Yes my friends all you need is love

It’s St. Valentine’s day again and we are getting all loved up or still looking for that right person to get loved up with. That’s the name of the game.

I was thinking that it’s maybe a good time for you to think about how much you love ‘you’.

Do you ever look at the time you are giving to yourself to really appreciate ‘you’?

The reason I ask this question is because without looking after ‘you’ and putting ‘you’ first you can’t really give proper attention and care to anyone else.

I can hear you say “Well isn’t that being selfish?”
Yes, we are taught to put others before ourselves and to give before we receive but I can think of one analogy that explains perfectly why I say take care of ‘you’ first.

Most of us are used to air travel and before we take off the cabin crew always perform the safely routine. In that routine they explain about the oxygen mask that drops down in front of you when there is a dire emergency situation. They always state that you MUST put the mask on yourself first before you attend to anyone or anything else. Imagine if you didn’t – you wouldn’t be able to help anyone – you’d be dead!

This is the same way I explain about caring for yourself first – meaning that you love yourself enough to have proper rest – enjoy an active social life – take regular exercise – make time to pursue your hobbies and interest – take ‘brain breaks’ and recoup. Feed yourself the best foods. Develop a habit of having health checks and seeing that you’re well groomed.

This way you will have the energy and mind to take care of everything and everyone else.

I suspect that you know only too well that you can’t be as effective if you are tired and washed out.

When you are ‘walking your talk’ your children will follow your example, you’ll be role model for them to emulate. Your work colleagues will admire you – your significant other will be proud of you. You will have the real inner core of love emanating from you. It’s about saying to the world “I’m worth it! I have something of value to offer the world that can make a true difference to my loved ones” This is what real love is all about.

And without being true to ‘you’ there is no love.

So go ahead and send yourself a St. Valentines card and give ‘you’ a love treat today.

Happy Valentines!

With Love – Together We Can!

Jennifer x





Jennifer Beaumont-Whyte 

Coach – EFT Master Practitioner – Author 

Founder of Inspiration Junction! and Business Love. 

Causing miracles for inspired men and women seeking excellence in life, love and business.