What Have You Done Jennifer?
WHAT HAVE YOU DONE JENNIFER?! Hello Gorgeous! And so …. I’m on the plane - Waiting to take off from Montreal, Canada to San Jose, Costa Rica. And I look up at the [...]
Devastating News That Changed My Life!
SOME DEVASTATING NEWS THAT CHANGED MY LIFE Hey Gorgeous One! How are you doing? In my last email at the beginning of May I was harping on about how we must live our [...]
Are You Ready For A Wild Adventure?!!
Hey Gorgeous One! So here is bit about me and my journey – so far! As you may know, I’ve always been a “Can do!” kinda person as I aim for my audacious [...]
Day 5 – Permission Slip – 7 Days to Sacred Self-Care
https://youtu.be/3PBL9o8XHy8 DAY 5 – YOUR PERMISSION SLIP 7 DAYS TO SCARED SELF-CARE We are on our way to creating a Self-Care practice that will nourish our souls and give us the energy, inspiration and [...]