Coaching & Life Transformation for Living a Life That Lights You Up?
Are you yearning for your next level of success or achievement and looking for a catalyst to give that spark to light you up again? Look no further inspired one?
In this minimum 6 month, private coaching container we focus on you and what you want for your life right now. We deep-dive, discover your power and remember who you are – A sovereign being alive on this Earth!
We plan and plot and create a new vision for your life. Full of all the things your heart desires. Along with Freedom, Love, Understanding, Compassion, Good Health, Abundance and so much more! Being fully self-expressed, bringing harm to none, raising the consciousness of love, while you do your valuable work in the world.
Along the way we clear any subconscious limitations and energetic blocks preventing your progress, so that you can take the empowered action to achieve, while I hold you accountable to what you say you will do. All of this without sacrifice, stress or shame!
In return you are free to BE who you want to be – DO the things that you love – HAVE the things that you desire – which are your birthright!
The results? You shining bright while you share your D.I.A.M.O.N.D.S. Life with your loved ones, your community and with the world!
And have so much fun along the way!!
There are 8 courses covering your 8 Life Areas for you to choose the one that is of major concern right now!
We work through that course and if you so choose we can work through the others over time.
Each course is tailored to how we want to work together – I hold your hand every step of the way.
D – DIAMOND DOMAIN – Home Environment
Are you living in a home that is causing you stress with mess or clutter – Do you find it difficult to relax or find peace in your place? Are you aware that statistics show a disorganised or cluttered home environment can cause stress in relationships, problems at work or even financial difficulties? How would it be to come home to a harmonious, peaceful, loving sacred space?
In this course we get to grips with clearing your clutter, organising the things that are loved and and connect with your home to create your Sacred Space for order, productivity, harmony, prosperity, peace of mind and fun!
Are you having difficulties with your life journey partnership. Is the communication off between you? Is the disharmony affecting other areas of your life, like your business or health?
In this course we take a deep dive into what is not working and why. We take a look at your style of communication – one of the biggest barriers in any relationship. Then we design a way for you both to be together without giving your own self up – and more!
Is your health and well being under stress? Are you ashamed of how you look and feel in your body? Are you disappointed with how you present yourself to the world?
In this session we really go town on your self-belief, mindset and self-worth. We take a look at your diet and exercise routine. And we design a new way of being for your whole anatomy and well being.
M – DIAMOND MONEY – Money Management
Are you earning a lot and have nothing to show for it? Do you spend without counting the cost? Is your relationship with money on the brink of divorce?
In this course we take a look at your relationship with money, your money management and manifestation. Then we set up a plan for getting all the things you want for your life and how much it will cost as well and improve your lifestyle.
Is your business in alignment with your core values? Are you on track with your business goals? Are you working with clients that you love and they love you back? Do you know your numbers?
In this section we make sure your business is aligned with your Core Values, your ideal clients, your products and your services. We take a look at your numbers, your time , your people and resources for optimizing, profits and so much more, to help your business thrive while doing what you love for the world.