Are You Using Your Super-Powers?

SuperheroesHello Superstar!

Just recently I’ve been doing quite a lot of networking and going to conferences where I’m meeting some really inspirational people.

They are passionate about helping people and making a change in the world.

However, I’ve noticed that when I ask them what they do and who for they tell me that they can do so many things. They are aware that they must “niche” but not sure what to focus on, as they don’t want to leave out any of their abilities because they love using them. 

My response to this is “How would it be for you to use all of your  “superpowers” – to draw on all of your gifts? As change makers, and as human beings, we are more powerful than we think we are”.

When we think of superpowers we immediately think of super-heroes , with their x-ray vision and superhuman strength. Some even have powerful energy fields that surround them in times of danger.

As  powerful beings – we have a phenomenal brain and our 5 senses alongside our intuition and emotions, that no machine can replicate.

We too have our own special powers, our gifts of transformation, and being able to change ourselves from within. We can transform the way we think and the way we are being; from fear and doubt to confidence, courage, and love.

We can change the way we behave so that we get different results.

We have the power of intuition which allows us to be able to link with the Universe, read situations and people as if by magic.

We have psychic powers! Ever thought of someone you haven’t seen for a long time and they just show up at your door or call you out of the blue?pow

Imagine really dipping into these natural powers and bringing them to your business. How much more effective would you be on a day to day basis. How many more people could you serve?

Would you be more relaxed and confident knowing that you are making good decisions and owning your choices?

Just image how each of us coming together and working as a collective with our superpowers. We can cause miracles in changing our community, society and even governments, when we so choose; that is how powerful we are!

So, back to those who are multi-talented Business Lovers, how do you decide what to tell the world that you do?  This is can sometimes also be a cause of confusion and hold us back from working effectively with our clients. What is needed is a shift in mindset. 

Recently 2 of my clients have had the same issue, that of trying to define themselves by a particular skill or niche. One trying to choose between being an NLP Practitioner and leave behind his coaching practice or vices versa. The other, wanted to stop being a coach and just focus on being an EFT practitioner.

My question – How would it be if you let the separation go and use every part of you – all your gifts, intuitively? Dip deep into whatever is needed for your client or customer by listening and connecting – not focusing on how you are coming across; that’s about you.  By allowing and being present for your client,  what you need to use to help them will show up naturally.

Then, as we are all connected energetically and by being open to possibility, we can intuitively show up for our clients the way they need us to BE for them.

The reflexologist can bring another dimension to her work by tapping into her psychic powers not denying them.

The VA can tap into her super-fast-admin powers, intuitive powers and her ability-to-focus powers to save time and money for her clients.

The Life-Coach can access his NLP knowledge, his wisdom, and his training powers at various points in their conversation as and when it’s needed.

The landscape gardener can use his sense-of-the-seasons powers and his spatial-awareness powers alongside his “ability-to-do-his-books-on-time” powers!

When it comes to marketing our superpowers, once we are clear that we have the power to use what need, we can then choose a niche if we want to.

Think of niching as having nice juicy worm on a hook – the juicy worm is something that is attractive to your client – it most probably will be something that will help with their biggest challenge or pain.

You throw out the line with the hook, which lets your clients know that you can address their pain. Once they believe you have the solution, they bite the juicy worm which is on the hook. You reel them in with your solution.  

Then once on board your metaphorical boat you can show them all the other juicy tid-bits that you have to offer. You can show off your superpowers. All of your other skills, abilities, products, programmes, offerings and insights can be utilised as and when you need them.

They are unique to you because no-one will be able to deliver what you have in the way that you do, which makes you super-powerful.

One of my mentors has a range of superpowers in her “Utility Belt”; psychologist, psychic medium, EFT practitioner, author, speaker, trainer, mum, daughter…. She focuses on EFT as the hook to draw her clients in.  Then once they become a client, she uses whatever gift, tool, talent, power it takes to ease their pain and get the desired outcome that her clients want.

So take ownership of your superpowers. Do not deny any of them. Know that we, as humans, are powerful beyond measure. We can cause miracles!

We are even more powerful as a collective –

If you are looking to join forces to take over the world join my newsletter to be kept informed of a new collaboration club to be starting soon. 


If you enjoyed this post and you found it useful please Share – Like and leave a comment on how you will add this to your life.  I’d really love to know what effect it has had on making a difference – Thank you so much. 

Plus you can join my mailing list and get a copy of my highly comprehensive eGuide

5 Steps to Emotional Freedom 


Let’s talk soon. 

Together – With Love We Can!


Jennifer x 


Jennifer Beaumont-Whyte

 The Emotional Freedom Specialist

Working with Music People, Performers, Professionals and Entrepreneurs to move from being Stuck to being Irresistible. So that they can shine their light doing what they love, touch people’s lives and make the world a better place.

When she is not working easy she is playing hard!!! – Jennifer loves music, dancing, watching seriously old movies, writing, cooking and eating “delish!” meals with family and friends, adores her children and can be seen jogging around the streets of London in the early hours.

EFT Master Practitioner  – Author – Intuitive Business Coach – Teacher – Speaker

Mother – Daughter – Sister and Loyal Friend

By |2024-01-01T23:32:33+00:00June 29th, 2015|BLOG POSTS, BUSINESS LOVE LETTERS|Comments Off on Are You Using Your Super-Powers?

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