May 2019
Give a Man a Fish …..
Hello! “GIVE A MAN A FISH AND HE WILL EAT FOR A DAY TEACH A MAN TO FISH AND HE WILL EAT FOR A LIFETIME...” This is a well known saying that has been [...]
March 2019
Get In Touch With Your UGLY!
Hello Superstar! Are you getting lost in the social media illusion? Are you spending time comparing yourself to the beautiful people in the posts and videos? How does it make you feel? Happy, excited, inspired? [...]
It’s Your Time to Shine!
Hello Superstar! I’m so excited for you! It’s your time - It’s time to step up! 20th March 2019 is going to be a most important special day in your evolution. There is going to [...]
The Goddess & International Women’s Day
Hello Superstar! We have just celebrated International Women’s Day on the 8th of March 2019 – I wanted to write something to be posted on the day. Then I ran out of time and I [...]
How To Be An Amazing Manifesting Machine!
Hello Superstar! We are always manifesting! No matter what? In every single moment we are manifesting something. We are manifesting our point of focus. We create in the moment because that is "all there is". [...]
February 2019
LOVE MATTERS! Self-love matters! Unconditional Love for others matters! Business Love matters! Today is St Valentine’s Day and as my brand is all about Business Love I can’t possibly let the day pass without [...]