I’m Guilty As Charged



Hello Superstar!

One thing that freaks out clients, customers and followers is inconsistency!

Chopping and changing direction; branding, colours, customer focus, names, tag-lines, random offerings…..

It makes them feel unsure that you will be reliable, that you will deliver on whatever you are promoting and if you will really be on their side. Can they trust you?

I’m guilty as charged!

As a prime example – I’ve changed the name of my newsletter so many times over the past few years that I often wonder that I have any subscribers left!!!

Having said that, I believe, now that I’m being more authentic and true to who I am, what I want and who I want to serve at this time, that there will be level of trust developing with my followers.  (See May 4th blog)

I believe strongly that we are all works of art in progress.

Sometimes it just takes a while for the artist in us to settle for a particular style or genre and canvas to work on, before we can even begin to see the beauty that we are evolving into.

And evolving is what I have been doing. Finding my “why?” – discovering who I love to work with –  and who inspires me to work with them.

When you look at some of the most famous, talent artist that we know today they are completely different from when they first started out – For example Ed Sherrin was a really bad singer when he trying to do covers – he kept going and improving until he found his own words and the rest – as they say – is history.

The market is always looking for something and you have to move with your audience.

Always, I love to work with the passionate ones. The ones who are totally in love with what they do already.

As as an Emotional Freedom Specialist I don’t need to stoke that fire for them, they are already onto it. What that leaves me to do is show them that, without a doubt, they can achieve their highest potential and achieve the very best if they so choose.  

In the Planning modules of my Business SoulShift programme have built in questions that help my clients to really reflect on the kind of lifestyle they want their business to be like and how they will fit that into the lifestyle they want to live.  Sometimes it’s only once you start to put things into action and live it. that you know whether or nor it will bring you joy and flow. 

So, when all is said and done the worst thing for you to be doing is standing still – if you keep moving, evolving and being true to yourself and your core Values, your true tribe will follow you no matter what and those who fall away aren’t your fans anyway.

So please forgive me my beloveds. It has taken a while and I can’t say “finally I have….” because that would mean I have stopped evolving. That would mean my work is done, my life is over and I have left this world …. and I am not ready to surrender just yet!

Hell No!!

If you enjoyed this post resonates with you found it useful please Share – Like – Tweet and leave a comment on how you will add this to your life.  I’d really love to know what effect it has had on making a difference – Thank you so much. 

Plus you can join my mailing list and get a copy of my highly comprehensive eGuide

5 Steps to Emotional Freedom 


Let’s talk soon. 

Together – With Love We Can!


Jennifer x 


Jennifer Beaumont-WhyteJen - Hastings0009

 The Emotional Freedom Specialist

Working with Music People, Performers, Professionals and Entrepreneurs to move from being Stuck to being Irresistible. So that they can shine their light doing what they love, touch people’s lives and make the world a better place.


When she is not working easy she is playing hard!!! – Jennifer loves music, dancing, watching seriously old movies, writing, cooking and eating “delish!” meals with family and friends, adores her children and can be seen jogging around the streets of London in the early hours.

EFT Master Practitioner  – Author – Intuitive Business Coach – Teacher – Speaker

Mother – Daughter – Sister and Loyal Friend

By |2017-12-23T17:30:02+00:00May 6th, 2015|BLOG POSTS|Comments Off on I’m Guilty As Charged

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