I’m Fed-up To My Back Teeth!!!
Hello Business Lover! I am fed up with chasing all those bright shiny objects! You know the ones I mean... Those special offers and those free webinars that promise [...]
Hello Business Lover! I am fed up with chasing all those bright shiny objects! You know the ones I mean... Those special offers and those free webinars that promise [...]
Hello Superstar! I was recently invited as a guest on my good friend Angela Lee’s Health & Well Being radio show (http://therock926.com) Our first chat was about Life-Work Balance. We [...]
Hello Business Lover! I can’t believe it’s autumn already!! Where has the summer gone? It’s new term time! That means students will be starting back to school and college. Starting new [...]
Hello Business Lover! Did you ever watch the movie Pretty Woman? Where Julia Robert’s character returned to one of the stores in Laredo Drive in LA, an exclusive, expensive shop [...]
Hello Superstar! It’s really important for me to be of great service and love what I do. For me this is about stretching and growing so that I'll be [...]
Hello Superstar! Just recently I’ve been doing quite a lot of networking and going to conferences where I’m meeting some really inspirational people. They are passionate about helping people and making a [...]
Hello Business Lover! “It was 11am on Saturday morning and I was late......!” People love stories, there is no doubt about it. It must be something to do with the [...]