Are You Using Your Super-Powers?
Hello Superstar! Just recently I’ve been doing quite a lot of networking and going to conferences where I’m meeting some really inspirational people. They are passionate about helping people and making a change in the world. However, [...]
What’s Your “Love Story”?
Hello Business Lover! “It was 11am on Saturday morning and I was late......!” People love stories, there is no doubt about it. It must be something to do with the feeling of mystery and intrigue [...]
I’m Guilty As Charged
Hello Superstar! One thing that freaks out clients, customers and followers is inconsistency! Chopping and changing direction; branding, colours, customer focus, names, tag-lines, random offerings..... It makes them feel unsure that you will be [...]
What is Inspired Living?
Hello Superstar! Remember back when we were children? Back when the world was full of wonder and we could play for hours. Exploring, inventing, imagining.... Anything that happened or appeared out of the blue raised [...]