Hello gorgeous!

I was scrolling though my emails for some information that I had to find for my son just lately, and I came across an email from one of my favourite coaching mentors – Rich Litvin.

He was outlining what it takes to create a “boutique” coaching practice.

One that caters for a specific kind of client on a bespoke, personal basis.

One where you make a significant impact on your client’s lives or business

One where the work for your people causes deep-level transformation not just on the surface.

One where your level of work is not for everyone – only the few who can qualify to work with you.

It really touched my soul as I realised that this is what I do for my private clients in my D.I.A.M.O.N.D.S – Life Programme. These clients have total access to me – they are committed to make the changes they need to make their life work the way they want it to.

They have a big vision but maybe they are experiencing being a little disillusioned, stuck or unfulfilled right now. I take them on a journey of healing those hidden subconscious limiting beliefs, setting goals and taking empowered action – and they rise up to be sovereign, superstars in their life.

But what exactly is the “extraordinary” thing that I do – and only I can do, in my unique way? (By the way, we all have unique gifts and most of us can’t see them because they so natural to us that we do not value them as we should)

Had to give it great deal of thought

The extraordinary thing that I do does not come in box with a big bow so that you can see it!

It does not make a big noise or shine bright to make you notice it!

It has no smell, like exquisite perfume – or taste like delicious food

All I can say is what I see from the evidence and testimonials from my clients that they FEEL significantly different. They feel relief, calm, clear, confident, alive! They feel energised, inspired and motivated. They feel huge gratitude for the person that they have become through my process/journey.

So the extraordinary thing that I do for my people is a feeling! It’s something that only I can do!

My signature D.I.A.M.O.N.D.S – Life Programme is a private, one on one coaching container. where I usually only have room for 3 clients at any given time. I currently have 1 space available and it’s by application only.

(My other offerings my Diamond life Audit, group courses or my upcoming membership. These offerings are where you have limited, yet still highly effective, private coaching with me) .

So this gives me the chance to see if you are not in a good place right now, you are having challenges; suffering from trauma; have problems with your business; relationships; health; sleepless nights; all the things negative. – However you have a big vision or audacious goal but can’t seem to move forward, then please take the opportunity to have a chat with me. I might just have that extraordinary thing that you are seeking!

Let’s have a 15 min chat – book here

With Love – Together We Can !

Jen X

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I’m Jennifer Beaumont-Whyte

Life Transformation Specialist & Coach


I’m focused on helping ambitious and inspired entrepreneurs and creatives who have reached a point where they have become disillusioned or flatlined and not sure why they can’t move forward to their next level of success.

I use powerful psycho-sensory modalities such as EFT – IFS – and somatic therapy to help shift those subconscious blocks and help my awesome clients shine their diamond light from within to become sovereign in their domain moving from slave to Queen – or from surf to King and living a life that lights them up – doing what they love for the world.

Read my story hereABOUT JENNIFER!