How Can Your Archetype Help You Manifest Your New Life?
Hello gorgeous one!
How are you feeling today? Happy? Expanded? Loved? Excited? Blissful even?
I do hope so!
If not, are you feeling a little low, constricted or confused?
I created the Dominant Archetypes quizzes for you to use as part of helping you understand how you are navigating the world you have created for yourself. (Take the Masculine Quiz) – (Take the Feminine Quiz)
So that you can do more of what’s working for you and address the things that are holding you back.
I also use the knowledge when I’m working with my clients to help them gain clarity on how they perceive their goals, manage their emotions and the way they are thinking into their future.
For example I recently had a call with a client who was really in a low place about his job prospects. He is awesome at what he does in the corporate entertainment industry as the projects co-ordinator. He works hard, has high standards, he loves what he does and is very considerate of helping his people as long as they do a good job.
He has been working freelance for some time and an amazing opportunity has come along to take a permanent position as head for the creative department for a big firm. He has all the skills, experience and ability so much so that the role has his name written all over it!
However!!! He was totally focused on all the negative things that could possibly happen.
What if there are others applying that might have a better background and more experience in certain areas and better qualifications (He has an MBA not just a degree)
All these what ifs in his head were causing anxiety in his body. Plus there were a few personal issues that he was dealing with in the background that were making him feel depressed.
I pointed out to him that he could choose to use his imagination and step into being more of his KING archetype. Rather than being in the shadow side of the KING to bring negative experiences into his life.
The KING is a visionary, a leader, he is adored and people want to be around him for his inspiration and guidance, he gets things done and makes sure everyone one wins.
On the other hand he could imagine being in the “shadow” KING, always expecting his decisions or ideas to be criticised or finding people to take the blame because he is too afraid of stepping up.
Both scenarios take the same effort to visualise and bring into emotion, (energy in motion) the one that has the most energy will become his reality.
I suggested that he imagine that he already has the job – How would he be feeling?
What would he be wearing? What would he be writing on what sort of desk? How much budget would he handling? Imagine walking around the building, being admired by peers and receiving accolades for great work. What car would he drive and where would he holiday on the salary he could now afford.
We wrapped this into an EFT session to really embed the vibration.
Feel into it – Tap into it – Breathe into it.
“Act as if the wish is fulfilled”– Neville Goddard
Even if at the end of the day he doesn’t get the job, his body will be at ease instead of a state of dis-ease which eventually will bring on illness and then he could possibly not be able to do any work at all in the long run,
So by knowing my client’s archetype I can help him to create a scene in his imagination that feels in alignment with who is being at his core. This helped him to calm down and begin to think more clearly, feel good about wring his CV. Getting proactive, doing research, going to visit the venues and reading about the history of the company. Plus doing a personal spreadsheet related to the income he would be earning and much more.
So, how will you use knowing your archetype to help you get what you want and create a life that will light you up?
Are you operating fully in your light or are you living in your shadow? How is that all working out for you?
If you would like to learn more about how I help and support my clients to clear what’s stopping them from showing up as the best version of themselves and living a life that lights them up then –
You can either take the DIAMOND LIFE AUDIT – CLICK HERE!
Contact me for a 15 minute chat where I will give you 1 – 2 tips around a topic that is of concern for you right now and how you can take the next steps. BOOK YOUR 15MINS CHAT HERE
Speak soon
With Love – Together We Can!
Jen x
I’m Jennifer Beaumont-Whyte
Life Transformation Specialist & Coach
I’m focused on helping ambitious and inspired entrepreneurs and creatives who have reached a point where they have become disillusioned or flatlined and not sure why they can’t move forward to their next level of success.
I use powerful psycho-sensory modalities such as EFT – IFS – and somatic therapy to help shift those subconscious blocks and help my awesome clients shine their diamond light from within to become sovereign in their domain moving from slave to Queen – or from surf to King and living a life that lights them up – doing what they love for the world.
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